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Banned Products for Exporting

Banned products for exporting

A. Articles of Archaeological and Religious importance
  National & foreign coins of archeological value.
  Idols of gods and goddesses, palm leaf inscription (Tad Patra),Plant leaf inscription (Bhoj Patra).
  Scroll (Thanka paintings) of historical importance.
B. Industry / Raw Materials
  Raw Materials and skin (including dry salted).
  Raw wool.
  All imported raw materials, parts and capital goods.
C. Narcotics
  Marijuana, Opium, Hashish (as defined in the Single Convention of Narcotics, 1961)
D. Articles of Industrial Importance
  Explosives materials and fuse or materials needed there for.
  Materials used in the production of arms and ammunition.
E. Conserved wildlife and Related Article
  Wild animals/Endangered species.
  Bile and any part of wild animals(like Rhino's horn, Elephant's teeth, Tiger's skin, Head of animals, etc.)
  Snake skin, lizard skin.
F. Other products
  Log and timber.

Banned products for exporting

A. Articles of Archaeological and Religious importance
National & foreign coins of archeological value.
Idols of gods and goddesses, palm leaf inscription (Tad Patra),Plant leaf inscription (Bhoj Patra).
B. Articles of Archaeological and Religious importance
National & foreign coins of archeological value.
Idols of gods and goddesses, palm leaf inscription (Tad Patra),Plant leaf inscription (Bhoj Patra).

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